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The Place, 2022, Jerusalem

260 dunams of urban nature. 

The Gazelle Valley is an open space of 260 dunams (64.25 acres) in the heart of JerusalemIsrael, on the edge of the Givat Mordechai neighborhood, opposite the busy Patt Intersection. 

It is called the "Valley of the Deer" after the herd of deer that live there, and "Emek Peri Har" after the agricultural association of Kibbutzim Maaleh Ha'Hamme and Kiryat Inavim. The kibbutzim leased the land from the Israel Land Administration in the 1950s, in exchange for the land they owned in the Gan Saker area. 

The land was used by the kibbutzim for agricultural purposes, until its agricultural use became economically unviable. Since it is a sought-after piece of land from a real estate standpoint, several developers tried to change its designation for construction purposes. After a long struggle by residents and civil organizations, the construction initiative was canceled, and in its place an urban-nature park was planned for the public's welfare.

Today, the Deer Valley Park is a significant natural site in Jerusalem, and is one of the only natural areas in Israel where Israeli deer live in a protected and controlled manner. The park is visited by hundreds of people a day, it is open every day of the week and the entrance to it is free.

"The Gazelle Valley", 4*5 Inc  B&W, 2021.
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